94 research outputs found


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    Rusk and ring-shaped bakery products relate to the group of long-stored ones. For today it is urgent to use ingredients that give products functional properties in food technologies. The important source of food fibers, full-value protein, unsaturated fatty acids, mineral substances and vitamins are grain and oil-bearing crops. Buckwheat and flax seeds are separated among them due to the valuable chemical composition and positive effect on the human organism. The aim of the work was to establish the influence of buckwheat flour and flax seeds on the technological process course and quality of long-stored bakery products. Buckwheat flour of green and dark buckwheat of TM “Organic-Eco-Product” (Ukraine) is used in the rusk technology. For producing ring-shaped products (ring-shaped crackers), gold flax seeds were used. Research results testify that good quality parameters of bread for producing rusks from it, were achieved at dosing green buckwheat seeds as 20 % and dark ones as 15 % instead of the flour mass. It has been established, that rusks with adding green buckwheat flour have quality parameters, corresponding to requirements of normative documents. It has been proven, that it is not expedient to use dark buckwheat flour in the rusk technology, because ready products have the increased water share and soaking index. It is connected with the influence of the operation of hydrothermal processing of grains that dark buckwheat flour is produced of, its high water-absorbing and water-retaining capacities. For the technology of ring-shaped crackers, enriched with flax seeds, it is recommended to dose flax seeds as 15 % of the flour mass. At such dosage bakery products got the highest number of points by the complex quality parameter and corresponded to requirements of normative documents

    Розробка технології кефіру з йодовмісною добавкою із козиного молока

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    The authors have suggested a technology of making goat milk kefir using an iodine-containing supplement – Elamine.The applicability of the iodine-containing additive Elamine was determined in experimental batches of goat milk kefir in terms of increasing the amounts of macro and micro nutrients, including organic iodine and essential amino acids and fatty acids. Tests were conducted to specify the physicochemical and biochemical properties of the aforementioned additive.It has been determined that Elamine contains calcium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, iron, and iodine in the amounts of 1.293, 0.156, 0.612, 0.915, 3.42 and 554 mg/kg, respectively. This indicates that the iodine-containing additive comprises in its composition a balanced set of macro and micro elements in an organically bound form. The contents of iodine, phosphorus, calcium, and iron are higher than in other additives.According to the FAO/WHO scale, the scores of all the essential amino acids of the iodine-containing supplement Elamine (threonine, valine, methionine+cystine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine+tyrosine, and tryptophan) are 15.5, 19.6, 17.1, 32.5, 17 3, 176.4 and 37.0 % higher than in the ideal protein.The only exception is the amino acid lysine, whose score was found to be by 28.5 % lower, compared to the same property of the ideal protein. This indicates that the protein of the iodine-containing supplement is of full value as to the content of essential amino acids.Adding Elamine to a milk mixture in a concentration of 0.10...0.15 mass % increased the amounts of essential amino acids and fatty acids in the experimental batches of kefir. This additive stimulates the growth of lactic acid bacteria in kefir up to 2.2×107…2.5×107 CFU/cm3 (2.2-2.5 times in comparison with the control sample).The amount of yeast in the experimental batches of kefir increased slightly – by 0.5 CFU/cm3, compared with the reference.The increased amounts of beneficial microflora components in the experimental batches of kefir stimulated the intensity of the lactic fermentation of milk sugar. This contributed to reducing the milk clot formation time by 2 hours (6 hours instead of 8 hours in the control sample).The aforementioned allows recommending dairy processors of Ukraine to implement the advanced technology of producing cost-effective high-quality kefir from goat milkПриводятся результаты исследований по определению влияния йодсодержащей добавки Эламин в технологии кефира из козьего молока. Установлено, что йодсодержащая добавка влияет на повышение уровня амино- и жирных кислот в кефире. Определены рациональные концентрации Эламина, способствующие интенсификации процесса молочнокислого брожения и сокращению времени образования плотного сгусткаНаводяться результати досліджень з визначення впливу йодовмісної добавки Еламіну в технології кефіру із козиного молока. Встановлено, що йодовмісна добавка впливає на підвищення рівня аміно- та жирних кислот в кефірі. Визначено раціональні концентрації Еламіну, що сприяють інтенсифікації процесу молочнокислого бродіння та скороченню часу утворення щільного згустк

    Дослідження впливу насіння льону золотого на процеси утворення та дозрівання пшеничного тіста

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    Model experiments were carried out to establish the effect of flax seeds on the processes that form and mature wheat-flour dough. The study objects were wheat flour of the highest grade (control) and a mixture of wheat flour of the highest grade and whole flax seeds in the amount of 15 % by weight of flour (experimental sample), as well as dough made from them.It was found during the research that the introduction of flax seeds to the dough system prolongs the duration of its formation by 22 minutes. In this regard, when making wheat bread with the addition of whole flax seeds, it is necessary to provide for an extended duration of kneading the dough. Along with this, the formation of the amount of gluten in the dough was observed that is less by 17 % than that in the control, and which had a low unbound structure and less stretchability. The reason for this is that the slime-forming polysaccharides of flax seeds enter the liquid phase of the dough, thereby enveloping the protein substances, limiting their swelling, and, by sticking to the gluten frame, prevent the formation of a solid gluten structure. This further predetermines the formation of products of a smaller volume.Studying the effect of flax seeds on dough maturation processes in terms of the amount of released carbon dioxide during fermentation has shown that in a sample with flax, the duration of dough fermentation can be reduced to 90 minutes. The result of this study has also established that in the sample with the addition of whole seeds, due to the influence of water-soluble polysaccharides of flax, the accumulation and fermentation of sugars in the dough system occurs to a lesser extent than that in control. The introduction of flax seeds leads to a decrease in the susceptibility of starch to gel formation. Consequently, it can be predicted that starch grains will not be able to bind enough water and, during baking, a less elastic crumb will be formed.Для установления влияния семян льна на процессы образования и созревания теста из пшеничной муки проводили модельные опыты. Объектами исследований были мука пшеничная высшего сорта (контроль) и смесь из муки пшеничной высшего сорта и целых семян льна в количестве 15 % к массе муки (опытный образец), а также теста из них.В ходе исследований установлено, что внесение семян льна в тесто удлиняет продолжительность его образования на 22 мин. В связи с этим в производстве пшеничного хлеба с добавлением целых семян льна необходимо предусмотреть удлиненную продолжительность замеса теста. Наряду с этим, было отмечено образование в тесте меньшего на 17 % по сравнению с контролем, количества клейковины, которая имела рыхлую не связанную структуру и меньшую растяжимость. Причиной этого является то, что слизеобразующие полисахариды семян льна переходят в жидкую фазу теста, обволакивают белковые вещества, ограничивая их набухание и вклиниваясь в клейковинный каркас препятствуют образованию сплошной структуры клейковины. Это в дальнейшем обусловливает формирование изделий меньшего объема.Исследование влияния семян льна на процессы созревания теста по количеству выделенного диоксида углерода во время брожения показали, что в образце со льном продолжительность брожения теста можно сократить до 90 мин.В результате исследований также было отмечено, что в образце с добавлением целых семян, вследствие влияния водорастворимых полисахаридов льна, накопление и сбраживание сахаров в тестовой системе происходит в меньшей степени, чем в контроле.Внесения семян льна приводит к снижению податливости крахмала к клейстеризации. Вследствие этого можно предположить, что крахмальные зерна не способны будут связать достаточное количество воды и во время выпечки будет образовываться менее эластичный мякиш.Для встановлення впливу насіння льону на процеси утворення та дозрівання тіста з пшеничного борошна проводили модельні досліди. Об’єктами досліджень були борошно пшеничне вищого сорту (контроль) та суміш з борошна пшеничного вищого сорту та цілого насіння льону в кількості 15 % до маси борошна (дослідний зразок), а також тіста з них.В ході досліджень встановлено, що внесення насіння льону в тістову систему подовжує тривалість її утворення на 22 хв. У зв’язку з цим у виробництві пшеничного хліба з додаванням цілого насіння льону необхідно передбачити подовжену тривалість замішування тіста. Поряд з цим, було відзначено утворення у тісті меншої на 17 %, порівняно з контролем, кількості клейковини, яка мала рихлу не зв’язану структуру та меншу розтяжність. Причиною цього є те, що слизеутворюючі полісахариди насіння льону переходять у рідку фазу тіста, огортають білкові речовини, обмежуючи їх набухання та вклинюючись в клейковинний каркас перешкоджають утворенню суцільної структури клейковини. Це в подальшому зумовлює формування виробів меншого об’єму.Дослідження впливу насіння льону на процеси дозрівання тіста за кількістю виділеного діоксиду вуглецю під час бродіння показали, що у зразку з льоном тривалість бродіння тіста можна скоротити до 90 хв.В результаті досліджень також було відзначено, що у зразку з доданням цілого насіння, внаслідок впливу водорозчинних полісахаридів льону, накопичення та зброджування цукрів в тістовій системі відбувається в меншій мірі, ніж у контролі.Внесення насіння льону зумовлює зниження піддатливості крохмалю до клейстеризації. Внаслідок цього можна передбачити, що крохмальні зерна не здатні будуть зв’язати достатню кількість води і під час випікання буде утворюватися менш еластична м’якушка

    Research of garlic preservation depending on treatment with hydrophobic protective coatings and growth-inhibiting substances

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    The aim of the work was to improve the elements of garlic bulb storage technology by using hydrophobic protective coatings, growth inhibitors. The study allows you to choose protective coatings of garlic bulbs for long-term storage and extend the duration of storage.It has been found, that the loss of weight of garlic bulbs during storage depends on the method of storage and type of treatment of garlic plants. Weight loss during storage in boxes with polyethylene inserts is reduced by 2 times, bulbs, treated with paraffin, – by 3.4 times. Treatment of plants with maleic acid hydrazide (MAH) reduces weight loss by 1.7 times. After 6 months of storage, the loss due to dry matter ranged from 51.7 to 69.7 % of weight loss.It has been found, that the treatment of plants by MAH helps to reduce losses due to germination of bulbs, damage by microorganisms, drying compared to the control version and storage in boxes with polyethylene inserts. The highest yield of 91.8 % of commercial bulbs is provided by their treatment with paraffin. Analysis of variance showed that the method of storage affects the preservation of garlic by 98 %, the development of diseases – by 54 %. Treatment by MAH affected the germination of bulbs by 98 %. Based on the obtained results, a correlation analysis was performed and the linear dependence of the weight loss of winter garlic bulbs depending on the peculiarities of the storage method was establishe

    Development of methods for determining the coordinates of firing positions of roving mortars by a network of counter-battery radars

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    The mathematical formulation of the problem of determining the coordinates of targets in the network of counter-battery radars is formulated. It has been established that the problem of estimating the coordinates of targets in the network of counter-battery radars for an excessive number of estimates of primary coordinates should be considered as a statistical problem. The method for determining the coordinates of the firing positions of roving mortars has been improved, in which, in contrast to the known ones, the coordinates of targets on the flight trajectory are coordinated with space and time and the information is processed by a network of counter-battery radars. The developed simulation mathematical model for determining the coordinates of the firing positions of roving mortars by a network of counter-battery radars. Simulation modeling of the method for determining the coordinates of the firing positions of roving mortars by a network of counter-battery radars has been carried out. It has been established that the use of a network of radars makes it possible to increase the accuracy of determining the coordinates of the firing means on average from 23 % to 71 %, depending on the number of counter-battery radars in the network. It has also been found that the appropriate number of counter-battery warfare radars in the network is three or four. A further increase in the number of counter-battery warfare radars in the network does not lead to a significant increase in the accuracy of determining the coordinates of artillery and mortar firing positions. In carrying out further research, it is necessary to develop a method for the spatial separation of elements of a group of targets and interfering objects by a network of counter-battery warfare radar

    Визначення впливу обробки біопрепаратами перед зберіганням на збереженість буряка столового

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    The study reported here aimed to explore the preservation of table beet depending on its treatment with bio preparations before storage in order to prolong its shelf life. The effect of aqueous solutions of the biopreparations Phytosporine and Gamair in concentrations of 0.2 %, 0.3 %, and 0.5 % on the intensity of quality loss by beetroots during storage was investigated. It was found that the treatment with the bio preparations reduced the total weight loss by the roots Zepo F1 by 7.9‒10.3 %, Carillon F1 ‒ by 6.8‒7.7 %. The daily weight loss by untreated beetroots due to the damage induced by microorganisms ranged from 0.08±0.01 % at a storage temperature of 1±1 °С to 0.1±0.01 % at a storage temperature of 15±1 °С, respectively. The sugar content in beetroots non-treated with bio preparations decreases during storage by 21.6–25.0 %. Treating beetroots with a 0.3 % solution of Phytosporine reduces sugar losses over 150 days at a storage temperature of 1±1 °С by 3.7–6.5 %; with a 0.3 % Gamair solution ‒ by 8.8–12.8 %. The loss of vitamin C ranged from 39.4 % to 41.2 % relative to the initial content in the control. The treatment with Phytosporine reduced the loss of vitamin C to 17.4 % in Zepo F1, and 25.4 % ‒ in Carillon F1; with Gamair ‒ to 28.0 and 29.3 %, respectively. At a storage temperature of 15±1 °С, the content of vitamin C decreased by 1.5‒1.8 times over 90 days. It was established that the preservation of table beet depends on the shape of a root. At a storage temperature of 1±1 °С, the weight loss by cylindrical beetroots is 5.1 %, rounded shape ‒ 5.4 %. The yield of marketable products ranges from 74.2 to 82.9 % for the Carillon F1 hybrid, and for Zepo F1 of a round shape ‒ 73.3–80.5 % depending on the storage temperature. The technique of treating table beet before storage with bio preparations allows using Phytosporine and Gamair for post-harvest treatment of vegetable raw materials. When devising new, low-cost, environmentally friendly, and affordable technologies, this is an important tool.Проведенные исследования ставили за цель изучение сохранности свеклы столовой в зависимости от обработки биопрепаратами перед хранением, что позволит увеличить срок ее потребления. Исследовано действие водных растворов биопрепаратов Фитоспорин и Гамаир в концентрациях 0,2 %, 0,3 % и 0,5 % на интенсивность потерь качества корнеплодов свеклы столовой во время хранения. Установлено, что обработка биопрепаратами уменьшила общие потери массы корнеплодов Зепо F1 на 7,9–10,3 %, Карилон F1 на 6,8–7,7 %. Суточные потери массы необработанных корнеплодов от поражения микроорганизмами колебались от 0,08±0,01 % при температуре хранения 1±1 °C до 0,1±0,01 % при температуре хранения 15±1 °C соответственно. Содержание сахара в коренеплодах без обработки биопрепаратами в течение хранения уменьшается на 21,6–25,0  %. Обработка корнеплодов 0,3 %-м раствором Фитоспорина уменьшает потери сахара в течение 150 суток при температуре хранения 1±1 оС на 3,7–6,5 %, а 0,3 %-м раствором Гамаира – на 8,8–12,8 %. Потери витамина С колебались от 39,4 % до 41,2 % относительно первоначального содержания в контрольном варианте. Обработка Фитоспорином уменьшила потери витамина С до 17,4 % у Зепо F1 и 25,4 % у Карилон F1, Гамаиром – до 28,0 и 29,3 % соответственно. При температуре хранения 15±1 °C в течение 90 суток содержание витамина С уменьшилось в 1,5–1,8 раза. Установлено, что сохранность свеклы столовой зависит от формы корнеплода. При температуре хранения 1±1 °C потери массы корнеплодов цилиндрической формы составляют 5,1 %, округлой формы – 5,4 %. Выход товарной продукции колеблется от 74,2 до 82,9 % у гибрида Карилон F1, у Зепо F1 округлой формы 73,3–80,5 % в зависимости от температуры хранения. Способ обработки корнеплодов свеклы столовой перед хранением биопрепаратами позволяет использовать Фитоспорин и Гамаир для послеуборочной обработки овощного сырья. В разработке новых, малозатратных, экологически чистых и доступных технологий это является важным приемомПроведені дослідження ставили за мету вивчення збереженості буряка столового залежно від обробки біопрепаратами перед зберіганням, що дозволить подовжити тривалість його споживання. Досліджено дію водних розчинів біопрепаратів Фітоспорин та Гамаір в концентраціях 0,2 %, 0,3 % і 0,5 % на інтенсивність втрат якості коренеплодів буряку столового під час зберігання. Встановлено, що обробка біопрепаратами зменшила загальні втрати маси коренеплодів Зепо F1 на 7,9–10,3 %, Карилон F1 на 6,8–7,7 %. Добові втрати маси необроблених коренеплодів від ураження мікроорганізмами коливались від 0,08±0,01 % за температури зберігання 1±1 °C до 0,1±0,01 % за температури зберігання 15±1 °C відповідно. Вміст цукру в коренеплодах без обробки біопрепаратами впродовж зберігання зменшується на 21,6–25,0  %. Обробка коренеплодів 0,3 %-им розчином Фітоспорину зменшує втрати цукру впродовж 150 діб за температури зберігання 1±1 оС на 3,7–6,5 %, а 0,3 %-им розчином Гамаіру – на 8,8–12,8 %. Втрати вітаміну С коливались від 39,4 % до 41,2 % відносно початкового вмісту у контрольному варіанті. Обробка Фітоспорином зменшила втрату вітаміну С до 17,4 % у Зепо F1 та 25,4 % у Карилон F1, Гамаіром – до 28,0 та 29,3 % відповідно. За температури зберігання 15±1 °C впродовж 90 діб вміст вітаміну С зменшився в 1,5–1,8 рази. Встановлено, що збереженість буряку столового залежить від форми коренеплоду. За температури зберігання 1±1 °C втрати маси коренеплодів циліндричної форми становлять 5,1 %, округлої форми – 5,4 %. Вихід товарної продукції коливається від 74,2 до 82,9 % у гібрида Карилон F1, у Зепо F1 округлої форми 73,3–80,5 % залежно від температури зберігання. Спосіб оброблення коренеплодів буряку столового перед зберіганням біопрепаратами дозволяє використовувати Фітоспорин та Гамаір для післязбиральної обробки овочевої сировини. У розробці нових, низьковитратних, екологічно чистих і доступних технологій це є важливим прийомо

    Caspian: Os Results from a Randomised Phase 3 Study of First-Line Durvalumab ± Tremelimumab + Chemotherapy in ES-SCLC

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    Immune checkpoint blockade targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway in combination with platinum-based chemotherapy (CT) has demonstrated improved clinical outcomes in patients (pts) with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC). Durvalumab ± Tremelimumab in combination with etoposide and platinum-based CT (EP) as first-line treatment for pts with ES-SCLC. Results will be presented at WCLC 2019 including OS, key secondary endpoints, safety and tolerability

    Care of patients with inborn errors of immunity in thirty J Project countries between 2004 and 2021

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    IntroductionThe J Project (JP) physician education and clinical research collaboration program was started in 2004 and includes by now 32 countries mostly in Eastern and Central Europe (ECE). Until the end of 2021, 344 inborn errors of immunity (IEI)-focused meetings were organized by the JP to raise awareness and facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of patients with IEI.ResultsIn this study, meeting profiles and major diagnostic and treatment parameters were studied. JP center leaders reported patients’ data from 30 countries representing a total population of 506 567 565. Two countries reported patients from JP centers (Konya, Turkey and Cairo University, Egypt). Diagnostic criteria were based on the 2020 update of classification by the IUIS Expert Committee on IEI. The number of JP meetings increased from 6 per year in 2004 and 2005 to 44 and 63 in 2020 and 2021, respectively. The cumulative number of meetings per country varied from 1 to 59 in various countries reflecting partly but not entirely the population of the respective countries. Altogether, 24,879 patients were reported giving an average prevalence of 4.9. Most of the patients had predominantly antibody deficiency (46,32%) followed by patients with combined immunodeficiencies (14.3%). The percentages of patients with bone marrow failure and phenocopies of IEI were less than 1 each. The number of patients was remarkably higher that those reported to the ESID Registry in 13 countries. Immunoglobulin (IgG) substitution was provided to 7,572 patients (5,693 intravenously) and 1,480 patients received hematopoietic stem cell therapy (HSCT). Searching for basic diagnostic parameters revealed the availability of immunochemistry and flow cytometry in 27 and 28 countries, respectively, and targeted gene sequencing and new generation sequencing was available in 21 and 18 countries. The number of IEI centers and experts in the field were 260 and 690, respectively. We found high correlation between the number of IEI centers and patients treated with intravenous IgG (IVIG) (correlation coefficient, cc, 0,916) and with those who were treated with HSCT (cc, 0,905). Similar correlation was found when the number of experts was compared with those treated with HSCT. However, the number of patients treated with subcutaneous Ig (SCIG) only slightly correlated with the number of experts (cc, 0,489) and no correlation was found between the number of centers and patients on SCIG (cc, 0,174).Conclusions1) this is the first study describing major diagnostic and treatment parameters of IEI care in countries of the JP; 2) the data suggest that the JP had tremendous impact on the development of IEI care in ECE; 3) our data help to define major future targets of JP activity in various countries; 4) we suggest that the number of IEI centers and IEI experts closely correlate to the most important treatment parameters; 5) we propose that specialist education among medical professionals plays pivotal role in increasing levels of diagnostics and adequate care of this vulnerable and still highly neglected patient population; 6) this study also provides the basis for further analysis of more specific aspects of IEI care including genetic diagnostics, disease specific prevalence, newborn screening and professional collaboration in JP countries

    Realization of communication functions of a site in tourism

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    Authors consider different kinds of sites taking into account interactivity of communications with the user. Communication functions of sites, important interactions at formation with potential clients of the tourist organizations are generalised. The Belarus practice of creation and functioning of sites is reflected

    Formation Features of Hybrid Nanocomposites Based on Polydiphenylamine-2-Carboxylic Acid and Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    Hybrid nanocomposites based on electroactive polydiphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid (PDPAC) and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were obtained for the first time. Polymer-carbon nanomaterials were synthesized via in situ oxidative polymerization of diphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid (DPAC) in the presence of SWCNTs by two different ways. Hybrid SWCNT/PDPAC nanocomposites were prepared both in an acidic medium and in the heterophase system in an alkaline medium. In the heterophase system, the monomer and the SWCNTs are in the organic phase (chloroform) and the oxidant (ammonium persulfate) is in an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide. The chemical structure, as well as the electrical and thermal properties of the developed SWCNT/PDPAC nanocomposite materials were investigated